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DxO Optics Pro v9.0.1 MacOSX

DxO Optics Pro v9.0.1 MacOSX | 268 Mb

Enhance your photos with DxO Optics Pro, the software of reference for all demanding photographers. Based on an exclusive approach of prior equipment calibration, DxO Optics Pro includes powerful tools for processing RAW and JPEG images.

Efficiently reduce noise, optimize exposure and contrast, magnify colors, and boost details: DxO Optics Pro lets you bring out the best in your photos in just a few clicks, regardless of the shooting conditions.

Thanks to PRIME's exclusive noise reduction technology, which analyzes in depth the structure of the images, DxO Optics Pro automatically enhances the quality of your photos, with spectacular results: noise is eliminated, textures are restored, details and color saturation are preserved in shadows - even at very high ISO values!

Restore the balance between overexposed and underexposed areas in your photos. The exclusive DxO Smart Lighting feature intelligently reveals the details in all different levels of light by automatically brightening dark zones and by recovering the details in burned-out areas.

To fine-tune the final rendering, discover the unique Intensity control that lets you intelligently manage all of the areas in your photo.

For absolute control, handle each of the different light ranges in your image with the Selective tone tool that lets you precisely adjust the highlights, midtones, and shadows separately.
DxO Optics Pro automatically corrects with an unrivaled level of quality all optical defects for RAW and JPEG photos:

Distortion. If needed, advanced settings let you manually adjust barrel, pincushion, or fisheye corrections.
Vignetting, taking into account the shooting conditions.
All kinds of Chromatic aberrations, combining the incredible efficiency of DxO Optics Modules with in-depth analysis of the image.
Lens softness, automatically improving and homogenizing image sharpness from the center to the edges, even when you push the settings.

Restore the balance between overexposed and underexposed areas in your photos. The exclusive DxO Smart Lighting feature intelligently reveals the details in all different levels of light by automatically brightening dark zones and by recovering the details in burned-out areas.

To fine-tune the final rendering, discover the unique Intensity control that lets you intelligently manage all of the areas in your photo.

Use DxO Optics Pro's powerful tools to make the colors sparkle in your photos. Take control of the sliders and unleash your creativity by adjusting the white balance, the vibrancy, and the tone curve.

Use the automatic Protect saturated colors tool to retrieve all the details and textures in your shots, even in vividly-colored areas.

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Author: admin
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