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Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Professional ISO-TBE

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Professional ISO-TBE | 2.7 GB


Create what you can imagine, build on the strengths of your team, and open up new possibilities.
New prototyping, modeling, and visual design tools enable you to create innovative applications for Windows and the Web
Create a shared vision as a foundation for creativity with SketchFlow ,in Microsoft Expression Studio , and Team Foundation Server
Take advantage of new opportunities & capabilities offered by multi-core programming and cloud development tools
Simplicity through integration
A single integrated development environment that takes your skills further and adjusts to the way you work
Complete all your coding, modeling, testing, debugging, and deployment work without leaving the Visual Studio 2010 environment
Use existing standards and skills to target a growing number of application types including Microsoft SharePoint and Windows Azure
Work your way through multi-monitor support, partner extensions, and a new editor.
Quality tools help ensure quality results
Powerful testing tools with proactive project management features help you build the right app the right way.
Use the new IntelliTrace debugger to isolate the point of failure within a recorded application history.
Stay ahead of the curve with proactive project management tools including new reports, dashboards, and planning worksheets.


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Author: admin
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